

Why must everyone keep going on and on and on and ON with this supporters vs. haters debate!!!? You see what it derives you to? Calling a LOT of people by bad names and starting arguements that always end the same way! I'm not on either side anymore because I accepted Abdel was gone and banned...so why can't anyone get it through their heads thats this is a done deal, finished?!! And yes I know Abdel has another account but it will never get up and running with everyone that doesn't like him so this event is over. Can everyone just move on PLEASE?




It's neva gonna be-a finished if abdel keeps on making alt accounts. ._. I'm only stating facts about the Abdel supporters. I'm only saying that the fact that people still support abdel is insane. That's what im complaining about. I don't care if people call me names i stan with what i said I've got thicc skin unlike the 8 year old abdel fans that would cry if anyone just so criticizes them for liking a pedo. Of course people would go on and on 'bout this situation. If you think that a pedo preying on minors is a normal thing and people shouldn't be talkin' 'bout it then I truly don't know what situation you consider "normal"

4 years ago   Reply

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