Dorito head official

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Follower goal: 170

Joined December 1 (2019 I think)

My YouTube: superior chedder

I’m also family friendly so dw

208 Following     160 Follower

  Dorito head official


It’s a very long story. Even the summary would be long. Please join the link and ruin their plan

3 months ago   Reply
  Dorito head official

Dorito head official

Reminds me of the immortal snail

3 months ago   Reply
  Dorito head official

The Animator Clash Finale (The Greatest Ending)

Guys help me take revenge on these ungrateful revolutionists

3 months ago   Reply
  Dorito head official

taishakuten from onmyoji >_< (w/ process,, again,,)

Guys help me take revenge on these ungrateful revolutionists

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  Dorito head official

Another quick 430 am drawing.

Woah you’re still active after all these years. Impressive

3 months ago   Reply (2)
  Dorito head official


Woah, one week ago

6 months ago   Reply (1)
  Dorito head official

Oh how I love insulting my friends

My head looks nothing like a Dorito

6 months ago   Reply
  Dorito head official


Hey guys, if you’ve watched banana head’s animemakers or mine then you would know we’re brothers. I am here to say that banana head’s device that he used for animemaker broke. Since he doesnt know the password back he cant upload anymore animemakers. So this is his last one.

11 months ago   Reply
  Dorito head official


I remember all of these

11 months ago   Reply
  Dorito head official

Theres a for you page now

You know, the thing you scroll on for hours

11 months ago   Reply (1)
  Dorito head official

Only true OGs of Animemaker remember TSBK

Remember that whole situation when everyone thought he was going to unalive himself. That post probably got the most comments than any other post on this platform

1 years ago   Reply
  Dorito head official

Infinite Homer

I remember seeing this in 2019

1 years ago   Reply