BATIMfan (Cannot upload animations)

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Hi everyone. I can't upload anything anymore here. All the things of my life are taking a 'jog to the left'. But I shall still stand.
I'm gonna do some Q and A's.
Q: What gender are you?
A: I'm a female, but yes, I am a tomboy.
Q: What are your feelings most of the time? '-'
A: Depressed, mainly. If not Depressed, bored.
Q: What food do you like as your #1 fav?
A: Cheese Pizza. :>
Q: Do you have pets?
A: Yes, I do. I have 7 fish, 3 dogs, and one bird. Pretty hard of a responsibility. I like to keep Thresher out of the camera, since he gets pretty crazy when he's around my big camera. Thresher is my pet bird, and he's a parrot. (Yes, I managed to buy a parrot.) though he's small enough that we can raise him in our house.
Q: Who are your friends here on the app?
A: My friends are Anwii and Oku.
Q: What do you draw for free time?
A: Bendy pictures, Dinosaur pictures, Dragon pictures, Demon pictures, Depression comics, and so on.
Q: What's your favorite song?
A: I really can't choose which one is better, so my favorites are Gasoline, Control, (Gasoline and Control are by Halsey.) and Wars of Faith by Audio machine.
That wraps it up, so, I'm gonna go and see some good Animes here.
Btw, I got a channel on YouTube. It's called the Wolf Rex Cub Channel. -v-'

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  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

Im bored :P

Sorry I haven't been on a lot. Just uh, recent depression. ;w;

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...


I'm going to Florida as soon as July hits. :> I'll be in a hotel in Orlando.

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (you sexy bastard. >w<)!!!!!! oDo

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...


Ooh. :o *pokes him.* o.o'

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

Im bored ;w;

Even when there's no reason to be depressed. ;^;

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

Im bored ;w;

I don't know why, but I suddenly feel depressed at times. ;w;

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

Im bored ;w;

My DeviantArt account is called Dragon-who-draws . :3 You can be on the website in the Safari app or some sort of website thingy like me. XD

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

Im bored ;w;

HOI! I got DeviantArt! ^w^

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

Aye :3

It might be cuz of that IPad only thing or IPhone only switching thing when on the App Store.

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

Aye :3

But I can't play it cuz meh Apple ID glitched and it got a new update. ;w;

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

Aye :3

Just wait until you find ibispaint x. It has literally one of the best tools for drawing out there, maybe even animating. Good thing I got it! XD

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

Does anyone have FrameCast?? :3

Too bad my Apple ID is glitched. ;w; nuuuuu I have not evolved and has become extinct. .D.

7 years ago   Reply
  BATIMfan (Cannot upload ani...

I found a animation app WAY the hell better than this one xD (i may become inactive?)

God damn it, my Apple ID is disabled and It's stuck like that until I get a new device. ;w; *Flips rage table seconds later and marches out da room.*

7 years ago   Reply