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OOOOOOOH REALIZED SOMETHING! TankManz big red flag here dude-

That isn’t stalking
Your comments are public, and you clearly know that.
Stalking is a serious issue in which you would be a victim that is in an unsafe situation, which you’re not just because someone goes through your PUBLIC comments.
And what he did wasn't harassment either,
Harassment would also be putting you in a situation in which you feel scared for your safety, threatened, or in a hostile environment. Mockery ≠ harassment.

3 years ago   回复 (3)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

If you’re talking about jace and dab’s relationship,
Its already been made clear by most of us that the internet doesn’t approve of it.
Simply looking up to see if a 9 year old and a 13 year old can date, the first thing that pops up says no.
Many other articles also state a 9 year old shouldn’t even be romantically involved with anyone as they are too young.

3 years ago   回复

fax is bax

I mean convo topic changed,,
Ion think the argument should be continued here anyways since this isn’t a dedicated post towards it

3 years ago   回复

* bzzz! 🐝

Because most of you support the relationship, even though its been made clear by many people that it is wrong. You continue to defend them and not even try and logically think or understand what is best for dab and jace, because being in a relationship is not it.

And someone was bound to speak out. A 4 year age gap is controversial, and its on a public app. Just because she started doesn’t mean what she’s arguing is wrong.

3 years ago   回复


There’s a difference between harassing and arguing about a matter
No one is personally bashing him and making him feel like shit, if he feels subjective and stressed about what is going on that is on him,
Most of out intentions are to educate and make it clear why their relation is wrong, because most people here support their relationship and every aspect about it.

3 years ago   回复 (2)


Finally someone speaking some sense

3 years ago   回复


They’re a public couple
People are bound to have their disagreements and speak out,
especially as their age gap is controversial

3 years ago   回复 (1)

* bzzz! 🐝

Your messages included everyone else not caring either, so i’m not going to individually tell everyone.
I’m sure they’ll read it too.

3 years ago   回复



3 years ago   回复

* bzzz! 🐝

You said you didn’t care,
So yes,
I am.

3 years ago   回复 (1)

* bzzz! 🐝

Its not that difficult to respect someones name.
If she has made it clear she prefers to be called a different name that doesn’t correlate to her user, respect it. Even though you may be in a disagreement at the moment, it isn’t that difficult to act mature and not go out of your way to be completely disrespectful over such a simple thing.

3 years ago   回复 (1)


Girl do i need to remind you,
Frank literally sent death threats, death wishes, and even made a animation of killings tankmans. He then proceeded to make extremely sexual insults in which no 12 yr old should receive, and even said he would fuck tankmans which is pedophilic as frank is 16 and tank is 12. He even now is continuing to insult and pester him.
Do you honestly still support a stuck up, pedophilic asshole?
Especially since what caused this was tank just saying frank was on an alt account when frank claimed he was leaving AM on his main.
All tank did was expose him, and Frank is throwing a hissy fit that has made an extremely young minor uncomfortable.

3 years ago   回复 (1)