Drama Solver

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I am Michael
I'm 16
I'm one of Jake's classmates
I wanna help end the feuds Jake has gotten himself into and explain why he's the way he is
Jake has Autism Spectrum disorder. He can't help but behave the way he does. He's a nice guy, but he has a short temper. I've seen the beginnings of the feuds and I agree with Jake. Those people start the fights but he gets the backfire.

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  Drama Solver


He agreed to unblock you though

2 years ago   Reply
  Drama Solver


I don't like the way he's going on. He's growing more aggressive everyday. He's in the office now cause he tore a chunk of hair off of another student cause he called his father "a drug dealer". I miss how he used to be before. I want to try and make that Jake come back.

2 years ago   Reply
  Drama Solver


Hey Jake! Can you please unblock Bliga so you two can talk?

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Drama Solver


I'll talk to him and see if I can get him to talk to you.

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Drama Solver


I can talk to him. I just want to know if you guys are willing to try and make amends with him.

2 years ago   Reply
  Drama Solver

New wb

hello. May I please have some of your time to discuss your issues with jake?

2 years ago   Reply (2)
  Drama Solver

"Ultra Player"

I'm more than happy to help but I would've liked it if Ash herself replied since this is between me and her.

2 years ago   Reply
  Drama Solver


He may be older but he doesn't have a strong emotional hold. The boy just wants peace and to be understood. He was taken from his mother at the age of 4 since she was abusive towards him. His father had cancer and smoked himself to the point of no recovery. He's just angry and feels unloved and abandoned. Please speak with him and try to make amends with him.
Don't use his mental state as something to ruin his image if he refuses to listen.

2 years ago   Reply
  Drama Solver


Hey Ash. I'm an acquaintance of Jake's and I was hoping I could speak with you about his behavior so far.
I've seen his posts and sure what Eliasmoh did was bad but Jake could've handled them a lot better than he did.
I already spoke with Eliasmoh and is currently waiting for his reply.

So, Jake is actually a very nice guy, but he has a mental condition that makes him aggressive and mean. It's only getting worse as he gets older. I think you should make a post and try to talk to him. If you have him blocked, unblock him so you two can actually interact with each other. He won't understand your side of the story at first but you gotta be patient with him.

2 years ago   Reply (2)
  Drama Solver

kviirz (kris)

He lost his father at a young age and doesn't get to see his own mother often. I wouldn't expect him to act any different than he did last night.
Make a post saying you wanna talk about the situation and be patient with him. He may be older but he doesn't have a strong emotional hold. He'll try to understand your side of the story if you talk it out with him properly.
Just don't use his condition as a way to damage him if he refuses to listen.
He's a nice guy, he just has a bad upbringing.
I'm sure you'll understand and try to talk to him.

2 years ago   Reply