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Me realizing I don't have friends irl or online ://
Not complaining. I'm introverted.
It's Jax/Alex. My main got hacked and deleted.
I honestly can't count my oc's.

Carrotts Rudenowle:
20 yo introverted and depressed
Has a wife(I think) and a child

Cupid Starborn:
22 yo anger issues polyamerous and Trans
Single 😔

Loop (Storrac Elwonedur):
20 yo Lonely and suicidal
Single straight

Helluva boss oc
She's western and possibly a lesbian
23 yo
Has a horse named Jess (on earth)
Anyways hope you guys like my art!!🎉
I'm a comforting person✨

Go follow ⭐Silly spaghetti⭐ and VIAVIAD
Old users: Cupid, Carrotts, ๑☆-|𝑱𝒂𝒙|-☆๑

112 Following     35 Follower


I hate the sight of myself

You do anatomy practice? Wow!

11 months ago   Reply (1)


Yep. I not gonna say anything. Nope.

11 months ago   Reply


Bit I DO deserve it. Goodbye. I'm coming back when I change.

11 months ago   Reply (1)

🌼 Marcus 🌼

You're right
But from now on I'm taking the truth. Goodbye.

11 months ago   Reply (1)


I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO FEEL BAD. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME. SO DON'T SAY THAT SHIT. I'm out, ill be back a changed person

11 months ago   Reply (1)

I did what was right. Everybody told me to break up with him

I'm leaving this app. I'm gonna come back in a few months to a year. I'll change for you. What you did was the VERY right decision

11 months ago   Reply (1)


How is admitting to being a terrible bf guilt tripping

11 months ago   Reply (1)


I'm not in the mood for this abs ip what he did was right.

11 months ago   Reply

I did what was right. Everybody told me to break up with him

I'll leave you alone now. But I was joking about being aro. That's why I deleted it. And I'm not gonna blame my ex, but I kinda took my anger out on you and had a bunch of fvcking mod swings. Don't feel horrible, don't forgive me, in fact wish me to die. It's what's best.

11 months ago   Reply (1)



11 months ago   Reply (1)


You're right. I have many many flaws and I am sorry. I not in the mood for this, you don't need to tell me so greeting I already know. I deserve this and I'm a fvcking pester. I'm changing though. But I know that dosen't matter^^

11 months ago   Reply (1)

I did what was right. Everybody told me to break up with him

You don't need too feel horrible. I deserve this.

11 months ago   Reply


Why did you think I said it? I try to be truthful more than half the time.

11 months ago   Reply


I love how everyone ok this app choose not have the word kindness in their dictionary. I know you're trying to stand up for him, but you must treat parole how you want to be treated. What I did was an accident. And yes, it is very clear to me. But he hates me JUST bc I said I want to be aro ON FVCKING ACCIDENT. IT WAS A JOKE. THAT'S WHY I DELETED IT. In fact, can you tell him I said that? Thanks, whatever your Answer is.

11 months ago   Reply (2)

Small artsy(don't read comments)

What is wrong with you. I don't wanna start any drama but... I love you and I still do. You were so Needy with me which gave me traumatic memories of my ex. It's not your fault, but I got scared and tried to tell you, but I felt bad. But I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU DID. I hurt you on accident, and you have VERY VALID trust problems, but then you don't care, all of a sudden hate me, block me, now everyone hates me, and I'm sitting here shaking and weeping. BUT NOW I'M SAYING SORRY.

11 months ago   Reply (2)