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Hello, This is an alternate ACCOUNT! for me! (Mike), Probably for doodling, And practicing. Also I like how I made this before I made the actual remake of the account..
No, As you can absolutely see i fucking tried even when i doubted, You cannot even see nor feel what im feeling. You cannot. How would you want me to feel about it huh?, TAKING ADVANTAGE OF MY FUCKING EMOTION.
Feel free to converse me more about it, Sorry for the little tantrum I did, Hopefully this issue may be fixed, Also. username... Is he a predator by any chance?, The image you've shown is implementing that, But the yellow text says, He's 1 year young(er) Which I don't fully understand yet.
People can lose the sense of themselves when their mad, But you may talk to me about it, You may read the messages I sent about it. Also don't be sorry. Be better
you call someone who you saw had a fucking mental breakdown a crack head.
I can't even help everyone..
Hm, Major problems, But I won't talk about it, Won't help if I can't answer necessary things.
you call someone who you saw had a fucking mental breakdown a crack head.
I'll be going, When your sort of calm, then you may talk to me. about it, I'll try to have a conversation with rowin or the person you mentioned that sent you vile things. (If you let me, Which I know right now you won't.)
you call someone who you saw had a fucking mental breakdown a crack head.
I'll address this in one statement, You need help, Even if you don't say you don't, You do. But just talk to me whenever you can, Sorry for the short tantrum i threw
you call someone who you saw had a fucking mental breakdown a crack head.
Also it wasn't towards you. But I shouldn't have done that nonetheless, Since it worsens the situation, I should've thinked more than just letting my feelings out, Literally made it much worse to deal with.
you call someone who you saw had a fucking mental breakdown a crack head.
Got a little mad there to be honest, Sorry for that, And it absolutely won't be enough to say sorry for that type of insult, But since insults go for insults, I used it. But I seems he has gone away.
Say if you need my help, But by observing this, It's crucial to even try and help the person who is in need, Trust me, I've seen literal cases of people killing themselves because they acted like this, Even a friend of mine did, He lied about it just for me to not worry and have my hopes up, Only knowing that he killed himself later on, So if you may, I'll converse with you when your either comfortable with it or wanting to.
โ๏ธ Mister King London โ๏ธ. A...
Jeez, No need to be so rude, But it is a roleplay based thing, Since it's not based out of real life, But sure, You can say that.
It's a planet, Also just making the logical statements on the distance and measurements, Sorry alright?.
Just wanted to point it out, It's fine if you don't want to, And was it really necessary to insult me?, Not necessarily nonsense, It's good!, No like actually it is good, Nothin wrong with it, So will this be the end of the annoyance battle?.
(Sorry for the inconveniences, I had many energy overdrives during this, Thought you'd take it lightly and not a grumpy man, Hey I wanna lighten up the mood, Not change the mood to angry, Sorry for bothering ya!, Have a good one!) |Literally changed accounts because of this, Sorry!|