Katelyn (not active a lot so don’t expect anything from me)

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Katelyn (neko)
Flame (fire)
Marina (water)
Oreo (the bunny)
Catherine (warrior princess)
Stella (animal)
Sky( haunted doll)
Marry( Christmas doll)
Bailey (Fox)
Amy (wolf)
Dottie (demon)
Leah (mermaid)
Clover (snake)
Ashley (model)
May (goat ghost)
Mr.Fluffytong(hybrid:Demon,dragon,dog,and lion)

My Oc’s that are taken
Katelyn is married to Blindie
Dottie is going to marry scotch
Flame is with Mira
Clover is with Anna
Marina is in the friend zone with River
Whiskers and Boba are best friends
Sky is dating Ziro

(The rest of my Oc’s are single)

43 Following     34 Follower

  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi Flame?

Flame: *giggles slightly* Haha!~ Stop it tickles!~~ Whiskers: You don’t look alright... Is something wrong?

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Dottie: huh? *snaps out of it* oh sorry hehe~ Kat: ummm Big Bro can you put me down now? [Milly: w-what?! N-no! I don’t even know how you got that idea!] Katelyn: *goes fast* ~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: *licks it all up* It’s so sweet~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi Flame?

Whiskers: well I’m fine so no need to worry about me! *smiles* Flame: *looks at him in the corner of her eye* mm.. Fine I’ll let you kiss me but only kisses that’s it!

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi marina

Marina: *blushes a little bit* umm t-thank you?

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: *licks the base then the tip* ~~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Dottie: yup!~ *gets a hair tie and gives him a man bun* So hot~~~ *starts to fantasize* Kat: *giggles more* Haha stop that! Katelyn: alright~ *takes clothes off and slams his thing in her*

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi clover

Clover: *makes random noises*

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Dottie: *giggles* your hair’s a mess~ Kat: *nuzzles his nose with hers* hehe [Karen: aww sibling love~ Penny: it’s so cute! Milly: bleh! Jack: this is to sweet for my liking..]

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi marina

Marina: *offers a hand* Need a hand? (Marina doesn’t get flustered by that stuff only when people compliment her)

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi Flame?

Whiskers: you sure? Flame: *shirt goes up revealing her bra as she stretches*

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: *sucks on the tip* ~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Q: Dottie who is your crush

Dottie: Alright *changes* Kat: *wraps legs around his torso and arms around his neck so she doesn’t fall* I love you Big Bro! *giggles* Katelyn: that was some good acting there senpai~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi clover

Clover: *opens eyes slowly* I’m not cuteeee!~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi marina

(Really?! I’m in seventh!) Marina: Alright then let’s go *opens door for her* you can go first

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi Flame?

Whiskers: huh? What was that? Flame: *looks away and crosses arms* as punishment Your not getting and kisses or cuddles today!~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...


Sky: *sucks on it* ~~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi clover

Clover: *blushes a little* let me sleeeeep!~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi marina

Marina: N-no it’s fine I’ll wash it when we get back now come on i don’t wanna be late *grabs her house keys and backpack* Do you have everything you need?

4 years ago   Reply
  Katelyn (not active a lot s...

Chibi Flame?

Whiskers: *chuckles* sorry Flame: that’s not a good excuse!~

4 years ago   Reply