
300 Followers Pick A Spot!!!

It took over 200 followers to get here, but here it is, the 300 followers Pick a Spot in all it’s beautiful glory!
Let me start of by saying that i over-prepared for this. I commented a dot on every single one of your ocs (which i now deleted), but i only needed a few of them. I also commented dots on some anatomy references, of which i didn’t use any.

Also, if your oc looked too realistic, you can clearly see it went through the cartoon treatment. This was mainly because my drawing would crash if i added in all that detail. Yes, i went with a yellow fading background again bc it fits in well w the theme, at least to me it does. One last thing: the HANDS. I don’t understand, i can draw perfect realistic hands, but i can’t draw some baby cartoony hands.

Quick question to everyone who was part of this: are you guys okay with being part of a joke ( look idk how to explain this, but like where some of you guys are interacting with each other in a sort of comical way or smth like that), even if the joke is on you? I just want to know cause i don’t want to make anyone feel bad.

So make sure to check out everyone in this PAS’ pages so you can take a look at all of their truly bombastic art! (I can’t actually believe i just typed that…)

And no, cartoons aren’t the best i can do. I have (HAD) an entire post dedicated to my art styles alone.





“Let the games begin!”


1 years ago   627 回視聴   1 コマ   25 いいね




Same here!
It’s really detailed and colorful!

1 years ago   返信


Yeah, it’s one of my top favorite drawings on this app to this day!

1 years ago   返信 (1)

I’m still amazed by this pick a spot haha
I’m so happy I got to be apart of it! ^^

1 years ago   返信 (1)


That’s where it has starred recently, but Allosaurus has been a fan favorite for a long time. A few pieces of media it has showed up in are: One Million Years BC, Walking with Dinosaurs, The Lost World (1925), Land of the Lost, Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, and more. It was also basically the T- Rex in terms of fame before T- Rex itself was discovered.

1 years ago   返信


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