Takeout Dinner (Nightcam series)
Hey guys! I’m happy to announce that i am finally back to drawing on this app! Sorry i had to leave, i had to focus more on school, and NJHS and soccer weren’t making my job any easier. But now that i got a few things out of the way, im back. Before i continue, i’ll give you a crash course on some notable things that happened while i was gone.
I joined the soccer team again this year, made a few drawings in school, initiated some new members into the NJHS since i’m an officer and we did this weird ceremony with candles (should have used real ones, mine turned off midway), we won some soccer games, lost others, had fun, but not too much fun, i learned how to draw better, made even more drawings, decided to make some new original versions of Toho godzilla kaijus, regained my status as one of the best artists in my school (which i had lost during the pandemic cause i did virtual and apparently everyone forgot i existed), drew a robotic ceratosaurus which got a lot of attention in my school (some classmates decided to sigh the back of the paper, which had never happened to me before), finished my friends’ animation for their YT channel, a new Skillet album came out, it was amazing as always, thought up of the entire concept for an animated series set in the future in a version of Earth in which almost all humans are extinct and is instead overrun by mutated animals, robots, and (you guessed it) dinosaurs, aaaand i’m currently designing an original godzilla design based closely on the 1954 variant.
Oh and i’m starting this new art series called the Nightcam series which will strive to capture what the lives of prehistoric creatures might have looked like in the dark. For this one, it’s an Allosaurus walking through the woods with an Ornitholestes in its jaws, and in high alert for any other animals attempting to steal its kill. Ik the textures were a bit hurried on this one, but i couldn’t wait to post a new drawing on this page so i’ll try to do better next time.
So anyway i guess i’ll try to get a few requests i already had out of the way and then hopefully work more on the Prehistoric Species Hybridization Project (my alt)
And since i’m back, i can work on any P.S.H.F. requests you guys give me. That is, if anyone USED it in the first place…
And yes, i know allosaurus probably didn’t have such large scales, but the scales it actuallly had were too tiny for me to draw correctly and i wanted it to have some texture so here you go. If i ever draw allosaurus paeoart again, i’ll make sure it has small scales.
So… how have you guys been doing?
2 years ago 112 浏览量 1 框架 19 喜欢用iOS/Android应用程序绘制你的原创动漫