
I forgot to tell you guys that I'm on my villain arc in Minecraft (long story)

So, I'm a part of this realm with some friends of mine from school. And in that realm, I was in a community that mostly everyone was in, and I built my base there with someone else helping me design it. And I was vibing there, building a huge basement, trying to learn how to enchant, taming pets, you know how it is. Until... someone decided to blow up the whole place. All the villagers were dead, most of the houses were gone. Luckily mine was fine, and I also decided I would team up with one other person, who was apparently the scariest person on the realm, but looking now, I highly doubt it, because the people we were against were way scarier to us. Also, just so you know, I'm like the sidekick since I barely know what I'm doing, I barely have any experience. Anyways, the opposing people got full netherite AND elytras before us. And this was while we were exploring the ancient city (probably the most stressful thing I've done, I messed up so many times, but I didn't die). We were both paranoid that they'd use their elytras to come find us first while we were very unprepared, I mean I was still working on our base, making farms for carrots, potatoes, wheat, sugarcane, and netherwart. That's all I can pretty much tell you from my perspective, but I'm pretty sure I heard that they may have encountered each other, got in a fight and someone died? Idk I wasn't there (I literally can't have my PC all the time because of the arrangement I have with my divorced parents, and I only have that one PC at my dad's house. Yeah I'm feeling like I'm missing a lot rn since I'm still at my mom's house since this happened.)

5 months ago   18 views   2 frames




Sweet, tell me when you find it

5 months ago   Reply (1)


For Xbox? I'm pretty sure it's something like Dragoncat with some numbers but I forgot, I'll have to look when I can

5 months ago   Reply (1)

Hats your Minecraft name? So I can friend you

5 months ago   Reply (1)

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