ᴵᴸᴸᴱᴳᴬᴸᴸᵞ🚫ᴬᴿᵀᴵˢᵀᴵᶜ’s ALT

Good but tiring school day

I don’t like the art teacher at my school.
I used to be in an advanced art class and I got transferred to a normal art class. We were drawing humans and the teacher wanted us to draw an egg for the head. I started drawing using the advanced techniques I was taught and the teacher FLIPPED OUT. She was so mad that I didn’t draw an inaccurate figure that only slightly resembled an actual human. I left her class the next semester and haven’t gone near her classroom since.



ᴵᴸᴸᴱᴳᴬᴸᴸᵞ🚫ᴬᴿᵀᴵˢᵀᴵᶜ’s ALT

She should probably be fired for that
I mean she LITERALLY TAUGHT you the techniques
Also anyone should be able to draw how they want anyways
If you’re forced to draw a certain way you probably won’t do as good because it’s not the way you’re use to drawing or how you want to draw

3 years ago   Reply (2)

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