Shaniqua ( DAUGHTER AND FOL...

Pissy ♥︎

I never said you were wrong I just want to hear it from the guy who told me this and not every drama or whatever you call it. I dont want to be involved. I rather pray for the person.😃 That's what we are here to do pray for them that's what God wants us to do. Anyways I just want to say this what if it was you or someone you know would you want to do the same thing. I know you dont believe in God because you prayed and you said he didn't answer your prayer as you yourself said. I just want to say whenever you give up that's the time when you are about to get what you asked for. God doesn't always work on our timing he is calling you. I can give you alot of evidence he exist but that's up to you. You are nice and caring person I can see that cause you took the time out to write all those things on your page but give God a chance. He is calling you🥺❤ .


  Pissy ♥︎

Shaniqua ( DAUGHTER AND FOL...

Again, look on my account, i have proof posted on the post “Frank Rabbit 🐰”,
Keyy (the person who told you to unfollow him) herself doesn’t have to give you the proof, its right there.

And i don’t believe in god for many reasons. By research, personal experience, and the fact that i don’t agree wuth christianity. So you can stop trying to convert me. 😐

3 years ago   Reply (2)

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