MochiIceCream🍦🍧 (Leader of...


Favorite color:

Favorite animal:

Favorite food:

Favorite movie:

Favorite type of music:

Favorite type of clothing (cold shoulder, ripped jeans, etc):

Favorite book:

Favorite ice cream:

Do you like nail polish?

Favorite hairstyle:

What do u want to be when u grow up:

Do you have a crush...? 😏:

Favorite subject in school:

Three favorite hobbies:

There are 14 questions, so u could put the answers like:
1. Hi
2. I'm Jeff 😳



MochiIceCream🍦🍧 (Leader of...

1. Black or purple!!
2. An Okapi!!
4. Hm maybe Shazam? I have a lot of fav movies tho
5. I like almost all kinds!!!
6. I love hoodies!!
7. Dork diaries
8. Vanilla maybe? Or mango!!
9. Yes, I do my nails very often!!
10. Messy bun?
11. No clue
12. Uhm no- 😳
14. A r t
15?. Drawing, playing my gutair and idk-

Okay there's the answers!! 💕✨

2 years ago   回复 (1)

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