
Here We Go Again with the “Age” Thing 🙄🥱

Yeah I dont really understand why people are targeting others just for how old they are. Like I was chillin once and was laughed at for being 14 by a bunch of 11 year olds all saying wow you a boomer. Obv I told then that they would be that age but they didn't really seem to care. But yeah picking on certain people is stupid and im glad you stuck up for yourself, I'm I'll tho lol so im gonna go sleep :)


  ⓘⓜ ⓣⓗⓐⓣ ⓤⓢⓛⓔⓢ ⓟⓔⓡⓢⓝT^T I di...


I don’t like tii ok say my age but I’ll say it I’m 9 I don’t like saying my age cus people will lugh at me cus some people think that kids can’t do anything

3 years ago   Reply
  💜Zee Bee💙 @onelayergirl


Yea it’s hilarious that these kids/teens don’t think they’ll get older 🤣😂😭 (and with the pandemic and everything else going on in the world they better HOPE that they can live to be 30 🥶) Like we are all human beings here and time is always ticking. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I mean I guess I’ve been there, done that. When you’re a kid/teen it feels like you have a lot of time on your hands. But people say “time flies” for a reason. It felt literally like yesterday that I was still in college and most days I don’t even feel 31. I feel 20 🤣 and people say I still look 18 often 💀 but yea bullying artists cause they’re older and enjoy drawing and are actually successful with it is pretty pointless. 😓

3 years ago   Reply

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