Living Fossil Studios™️ (ro...

Lgbtq and niggers shouldn't exist

You see, im on a weird position w LGBTQ. I feel like people should neither hate it nor support it. I feel like its just as weird as saying you support diabetes. And trust me, i cringe at the whole “ haha straight transphobic” bc straight people have preferences too, you know. So as long as they leave me alone, im fine with them. If your mouth were a bucket, it would be filled with horseshit. Hello, bucket head.

And wtf about the black thing. You do know that we all originated from Africa looking sorta like that. Or are you just really special, you dumbass?

You see, people like you really make my day. It feels amazing to be able to roast someone to the ground without being a nuisance to others. Sometimes i make a funny comment/compliment and other people take it as insults (you know who you are) so yeah, thanks :)



Living Fossil Studios™️ (ro...

Who actually reads these

3 years ago   Reply

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