Habs Fan Studios (32ND IN D...

Shaniqua ( DAUGHTER AND FOL...

Damn is there too much covid where you live
Me in Canada we have like 2 millions cases per day and bruh we dont have online school
And my hockey season is stopped
We are 25 in my team,16 players have covid
And the last game we played I came back from a big knee injury
But my team won 5-1 vs Carrot River
And im doing well
Hope the season continues and not be obligated to stop for 4 months and after its playoffs
And if the season starts again hope i dont get injured because i missed 18 games
And my team played 31 games on 60


  Shaniqua ( DAUGHTER AND FOL...

Habs Fan Studios (32ND IN D...

The primary schools are reopened and most of the high schools. They are using my school for vaccination ground to get students vaccinated; so I don't know if we will reopened soon.

2 years ago   Reply

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