

Wdym, being a straight male doesn't mean your homophobic




Yeah, but once someone in school told me i was homophobic because i told them to shut up bc he was banging the table and shouting. Btw this guy says he is gay, a furry, gender-fluid, trans, and he is a hige drama king (queen? Idk) i would be okay with him if it werent for his absolutely sickening personality. He won’t stop shouting AmOgUs, he repeats the same unfunny things every day, and what’s worse is that he sits at our table when literally nobody invited him to. But there is another trans male (meaning that he was orignally a female) who is just overall better in every aspect compared to the previous one. He seems to be a bit more shy and dark, tbh.

So there’ my experience with LGBTQ so far…

2 years ago   Reply (1)

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