
mars snack teleports on mars???!!!! 🪐🍫

"unfollow me"???? Nahhhhh. These guys are haters cause they htae those animations. I. Bet it's funny. Plus, he's not a bot and he's making animations for good.


  Living Fossil Studios™️


They may be “for” good, but the animations themselves are far from good.I hate how he completely overshadows other creators whole deserve a chance at the spotlight way more than he does. And the people who support him? Probably other creators who couldn’t do any better. But even though it’s dirty, it’s surprisingly efficient.

I’m not saying his animations are bad. I’m just saying that they’re not so good that they should be in the rankings every f*cking day.

2 years ago   Reply (2)
  TouhouFan (go 2 my new acco...


Your wrong. Go read smollethans reply, he is super lazy i have somethhing to say though

1. He spams peoples post to get more popular "cAn yOu JoIn My ChAlAnGe"
2. He DOES NOT respond to ANY times he is called out (or he doesent comment at all)

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Smollethan (whaaa)


Technically he is just making these animations for fame
Reason 1. He makes vol. 2's of the animes that got popular
Reason 2. He stole the hall of fame idea, the original guy made a post about it, bc stickman didnt give credit
Reason 3. He makes lazy ass content that isnt funny

2 years ago   Reply

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