

Hey I whould never mack fun of you not even in the slightest your to important to me and a amazing friend if you want to talk about it somewhere somewhat more private you can always message me on Roblox




Nah man if i texted you on Roblox it would look like this “#######”
But it’s not you I’m worried about making fun of me it’s Roman, and he’s I know me saying Roman is like a key for me to be. Drama queen, but lately I feel like he just doesn’t like me and just being around him makes me feel like less of a person and I feel like if I even talked to him about it he might laugh in my face like it was some sort of joke or something and I feel like nobody even likes me anymore like I’m some sort of stupid convo starter instead of a person. And I really hate that about people and I just wanna die

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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