

Nah man if i texted you on Roblox it would look like this “#######”
But it’s not you I’m worried about making fun of me it’s Roman, and he’s I know me saying Roman is like a key for me to be. Drama queen, but lately I feel like he just doesn’t like me and just being around him makes me feel like less of a person and I feel like if I even talked to him about it he might laugh in my face like it was some sort of joke or something and I feel like nobody even likes me anymore like I’m some sort of stupid convo starter instead of a person. And I really hate that about people and I just wanna die




I whould try talking to roman ofc I'm not in your situation but it possiblely the most healthy thing to do also maybe there are people here who hate you but there also 400 something people who adore you and you'll have me here on your side of you need to talk also I know that it hard to believe that people care and it hard to talk to people sometimes trust me I know and it really only human but I'm sure you can get threw this

1 years ago   回复

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