
School life is exhausting..

Veny listen, don’t over work yourself.
Yeah true you need some hard work to succeed in school, but not too much you know, that might cause some stress and bad health to you.
I used to do this problem where I always put too much effort on school, that I didn’t care much about my health, but still end up with bad grades and marks.
But after I didn’t push myself to much on school, I have been much better with my marks because your health is more important, so please take care of yourself.
There always gonna be some days where your gonna be stress for school but i promise it’s gonna end so quickly.
Just take it easy 💕💕


  ✦ itsvenn


I did, i try not too overwork myself, but it's make me unaware, my score keep falling, i already want to give up from push myself too hard but i can't 'cause i'm the most stupid one from my siblings so i feel like i have to catch up to make my parents proud.. well, i guess i have to give myself one more chance to take some more rest, thank you so much for being here pg <333

2 years ago   Reply

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