

I don’t hate you! I swear on my acct
I kinda miss talking to you and I get so mad at myself for doing that stuff for pushing you away to hate my like that. I just miss out friend ship




honestly, after the shit he pulled on me I'm not even sure some of the shit he was talking was true.
so now it's just like.
✨ regret ✨
✨ guilt ✨
✨ anger ✨


1 years ago   Reply (1)

I kinda hate myself for ever even saying anything lmfao
I mean, z started coming to me talking abt how uncomfy n shit he was-
and then asked for my help and I was like 'damn, aight. fuck it we ball'
and I got jealous over dumb shit
and mad over even dumber shit
and he told me you were talking shit
and....I don't gotta repeat it lmao, you already know.
so like
I get it if you hate me
I feel like shit. but it's cool
it's totally fine

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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