
I kinda hate myself for ever even saying anything lmfao
I mean, z started coming to me talking abt how uncomfy n shit he was-
and then asked for my help and I was like 'damn, aight. fuck it we ball'
and I got jealous over dumb shit
and mad over even dumber shit
and he told me you were talking shit
and....I don't gotta repeat it lmao, you already know.
so like
I get it if you hate me
I feel like shit. but it's cool
it's totally fine




Nah man we’re tired talented and underrated artists.
I get you! And I’ve forgiven ya a long time ago! Sure I am human and still get mad. It’s a normal emotion, but hey don’t feel guilty over emotions man we all get em! I use to get jealous over you all the time when we didn’t talk bud!

1 years ago   Reply

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