
Moon-daycare attendant-

*artsy had the star. she threw it to the floor. And crushed it with her foot. *
... That's what you want. Huh.
*Artsy's Squad surrounded lunar. *
Voodoo: *pulled out his own in his head and pints it at lunar* "double crossed.... "
Dewdrop: "hm."
*riptide hissed at lunar. *
Belle: *she just his behind artsy. *


  Moon-daycare attendant-


Lunar :"pls don't hurt m-me!"*he began to crys*"I-I'm sorry!!"
Eclipse :"who wouldn't u go after what u done?!"
Lunar :"Belle! Pls tell them to not hurt me!"*he hoped Belle would forgive him for what he done*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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