💫Mystic Craft💫


(Yes sir)

I let out a ear splitting roar. I blasted at the ship quickly. I made a sharp turn back around and fired again. The blast were incredibly hot



💫Mystic Craft💫


-mean while in the captains quarters right before the strike-

Sir?” Said the dark knight “don’t you think we’ve gone to far?” He said looking at lord brine.
“We’re cleansing the world Steve” brine said “sure a few lives will be lost but that’s part of it” he chuckled in a evil way “your not going back on our deal are you? Steve?” The dark knight looked at him for a moment but didnt answer. Brine began to talk more “you don’t want the beast that took your family live so you?”

A guard ran in and said “the dragon is back!

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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