
Best friends 💕

You are a shitty person you know that....
Such a fucking LIAR...
You hurt me... You abused me....
I hate you.
I hope you die alone.
You worthless piece of crap




[user is deactivated]
11 months ago   Reply


Shut the living FUCK up, Marc doesn't deserve to be treated like this. Sure I said mean things to her too, but saying shit like this?! This I fucked up man

11 months ago   Reply


Your the fucking piece of trash you worthless piece of shit, what part of "leave him alone" do you not understand, he's trying to live without you. Why can't you see that? You blame it on him when it's YOUR fault you fucking attention seeker, get a life instead of following a person around on the Internet, my god you obviously have nothing better to do with your life💀

11 months ago   Reply
  🧡 Marcus 🧡


But I didn't do anything...

11 months ago   Reply

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