SammyIsCool ™️

daily rant/shit talk!!!

Drop-kick him 😊 if he is treating you like a bad friend, he isn't one. I have this friend who thinks we are the best of friends but we aren't! When ever she come over all she does is just sit on her phone. And same thing when we go out! I always have to pay for her! And she also smells like a$$. I remember the time at school, we have a snack bar and she asked me to buy her a sugar cookie that was like $2 when she has like a million dollars in her account, of course I said no and she said, "well your my best friend so you should buy it for me!" like hell nah- I am not gonna let you take advantage of me.



SammyIsCool ™️

its always the ones that smell bad!!! 🙄🙄🙄 LOL

1 months ago   Reply

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