

You don't wanna talk to her anymore, Do you feel like you have no energy to waste on her anymore?, If so, I get it, After trying so long, But you see no progression of change from the person it's, Saddening. But tell me if you have a change of mind about it, In the future, Hopefully there'll be a final ditch effort of like trying to change your mother again, But it's when you are comfortable doing so, If you even are at all, Please do have hope, But, I can tell it has been diminished, Over and Over again. But keep in mind the final effort, You won't know what they are truly feeling until you search for it.




I dont have the mental fortitude to keep gettin my hopes up with her, ive explained everything shes done to hurt me to her before she just said sorry and then continued to do the same shit so i came t the conclusion its just her, she doesnt care

1 months ago   Reply (3)

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