
Outcazt (Goob & Grim!)

Your fine i just dont want to hurt them i guess i should say, im not afraid of getting hurt anymore cause im kinda use to it but i just would prefer to see them with someone else not me. People who get tangled with me often find that they cant really understand me for me, they think they do but truly they dont until i let someone in, and i havent let anyone in, in a very long time
Because the one person i let in the first time hurt me in ways i didnt even understand they hurt me. For that i make sure to keep my feelings away from every friend, best friend, and family member i love but dont trust.


  Outcazt (Goob & Grim!)


I see. But please don't sell yourself short, You are an amazing person and if they can't see it then I'm unsure what to say about it but their loss.
I've been told so long ago to take the leap when you are ready but. It may take a while, which is fine.
You should be you,because I have seen quite the ray of sunshine from you. Don't hide that.
You've caused me to cheer up from my lonely or upset days and other people aswell. Hell even many. Over a hundred, even if not all of em talk.

I suck with emotions and all but I'm still trying my damnest to help and understand others

6 months ago   Reply (1)

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