💫Mystic Craft💫


Older than pearl

Due to his body build maybe in his 20s so probably had parents

Comzo had a job so he probably had parents and is adult


Sooga yes

Arthur I have no clue

So has parents

The hunter was a disappointment



💫Mystic Craft💫

And Kohga is like in his 50s and met sooga in his guessing early 20s

6 months ago   Reply

💫Mystic Craft💫

Yep due to Herobrine. he’s like 28





Yeah Arthur was an orphan in the books. (Practically adopted by rhia and Merlin tho

Yep his blood family impa and Kohga.

Absolutely. But give me a break I had never rp-ed before until then sooooooo

6 months ago   Reply (1)

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