
[talk time] Minecraft is my favourite game but to me, its survival mode is a horror game

One thing I hate about creepers is that they can explode instantly when they drop on you without making the ignite sound (the hiss).
Also, I'm assuming you've been avoiding the deep dark with the warden and stuff. I was really scared the first time I've looted an ancient city, and yeah I made some mistakes and triggered the shriekers a couple times, spawning a warden. However, I've gotten good at sneaking, and now I almost never trigger shriekers when looting ancient cities. I just have to be aware of everything I'm doing and it's all good.
Also another fact I think is interesting, if you keep staring at an enderman (like directly at its face), it will freeze in place. Idk if it stops them from teleporting away though, I haven't tested it enough.

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