Mini muffin

Mr Milk

That's a house gecko:) their pretty silly but tend to be really aggressive but their bites are so stupid lol they can't hurt a fly
Or well they can they eat Flys
They can't hurt a human


  Mr Milk

Mini muffin

I remember when I was 7 I saw my grandma in Florida and there was those things literally everywhere you could catch like 10 of them at a time, my friends would do this thing where they'd catch two and let them bite on their ear lobes and essentially wear the things like an ear piercing
I didn't do that because it freaked me out too much tho lmao

5 months ago   Reply (1)
  Mr Milk

Mini muffin

But when I got close he had a pinkish red wound on the top of his head which was strange so I let him go pretty quickly, he was eating bugs on my porch lamp outside

5 months ago   Reply (1)

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