Mini muffin

im dead rn, please host a funeral for me ( this took 6 hours and 1 hour break ) pt 2

Hey dude I'm sorry but I feel like someone should let you know, I talked to a few ppl about it so ik I'm not the only one, you are way to pushy with everyone. Like constantly asking for ppl to draw you spamming ppl about it just, calm it down, no one hate you no one's mad but ppl have other things they wnat to do, personally I get loving the feeling of seeing other ppl draw you but your a great artist, be less pushy make more friends and you won't even need to ask



Mini muffin

oh my bad, i don't really realize stuff thar i do bad, usually its okay if you tell me, just try to tell me sooner so i don't do it a lot and make it a habit

7 months ago   Reply (1)

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