Undiscovered PalPrim


I dont want you to lose it all for me
Im emotionally overstimulated to hell
i dont want to see you sad or even think your sad
Im not feeling good at all okay?
I feel like fucking shit
Everything hurts mentally
I dont know if thats what i need to say but thats how i feel rn
I dont know what to do
And it hurts even worse to not know
I just want someone to tell me its gonna be okay
Even if its not



Undiscovered PalPrim

how can people tell that if they know it's not
i support you in every way possible
if you want to overdose do it if it make you feel happy do it but it's never best for your body or your health and i don't wanna see you not knowing what to do with things like this
ik you are strong enough
and maybe maybe you just need a big break

7 months ago   Reply (1)

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