Mini muffin

šŸ·ZilošŸŽ­ (founder of felixlib...

Lol idk most of the time your the one who kinda calmly mediates drama and tends to eb a good unbiased second opinion


  šŸ·ZilošŸŽ­ (founder of felixlib...

Mini muffin

ā€¦ that is what I try to do. I try to be as open as possibleā€¦ which sometimes conflicts with respectā€¦ but it is usually only towards bad peopleā€¦ though I do believe bad people can change and once they do there past doesn't mater as muchā€¦ I just donā€™t like drama. Ide rather be in a quiet room because lots of noise can make me confused and slightly scared.

1 months ago   Reply (2)

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