πŸŽƒπŸ•― Marcus πŸ•―πŸ”ͺ

Idk which side to choose now

hm. let me elaborate.
Jasper was hurt and done with you guys because hes been very uncomfortable.

Jimmy has been gaslighting and manipulating, becoming racist, and was making fun of cleos cat being dead? and the fact that those are red flags so obvious i can call you oblivious.
All of those are VALID reasons for him to cut you guys off. Im proud of him for doing his best. but honestly hes going through stuff and you guys arejust making ot worse. i wont let froends get hurt by others. you guys have no reason to even do this? have you ever takena moment and realize you're harassing someone who just wants peace from it all? i understand its hard to pick sodes but i hope you at least take second thoughts about what happened

i would be typing so much more but i dont want to waste my energy on you. now, i expect you to not comment, post, talk, mention anything about jasper anymore. your 'friend' too. if you have something to say about that say it in my face.



πŸŽƒπŸ•― Marcus πŸ•―πŸ”ͺ

I wasn't very much part of that cleos dead cat situation (sorry if that pisses you)

1 months ago   Reply (1)

πŸŽƒπŸ•― Marcus πŸ•―πŸ”ͺ

wdym by 'your friend'
Jimmy or jasper
Also I'm sorryyyyy
I still wanna communicate with jimmmyyyyyy

1 months ago   Reply (1)

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