The moon-Rex doodles (memb...

Glitch ,will be so happy to meet new friends (*^^*)

Sun-Rex: moon-rex it would be a good idea to not touch him
Moon-Rex: what bad could happen
Sun-Rex: your arm….
Moon-Rex: ohhhh so that thing like from two days go was trying to turn me into one of them
Sun-Rex: I thought that thing was the glitch that banned people for no reason
Moon-Rex: ummmm my legs…
Sun-Rex: I have a idea OK GUYS GETS THE GUNS


  🎆🎇Mister londod🪅🎊✝️Cookie W...

The moon-Rex doodles (memb...

Would Y'all shut up ,,, ,, don't you do anything stupid
Nobody goes near my creation,, don't anger it

It's just a dangerous virus glitched corrupted character that can affect people and turn them into what he looks like , it's a corrupted virus (・・;)

Glitch. Who the hell are they

2 months ago   Reply

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