Mini muffin

୨୧ oiichee

I get it. I have like- chronic over thinking, it's just, I have siblings who I see rarely because my step dad is a bad person(he did some horrible things to me), my bio mom dosnt believe me. And my sisters still live there and the police can't do anything. Owwy was like my little sister and ad far as I was concerned they straight up were and now I am losing my sister all over again. And it's all my fault. If I'd been responsible enouph to say "no, we should not share numbers as we are strangers but we can still tlak on here"(we shared videos of us waving to prove we went like 80 yeat old men) then I'd still be able to talk to them. It hurts and I just wnat to know that their safe


  ୨୧ oiichee

Mini muffin

That sounds so much to go through I'm so sorry, is there any way to get help? Your situation seems pretty tight from what I can see. Is there any way to get help from another guardian or adult? I feel bad that I feel I can't give much advice on what to do. Are you still in contact with your sisters? to know how they're doing living with ur stepdad
I'm really sorry that losing Owwy felt like losing a sister and it made you feel that same pain as before, you guys were super close.
It's s not your fault for what happened, don't blame yourself for it. You can't burden yourself over what someone else did. It's easier said than done but you can't control someone's actions or for what has happened. It's super crappy for what happened, I'm really sorry. I'm hoping that owwys mom will give you guys a chance to talk again- if she sees that you guys are good friends who trust each other

4 months ago   Reply

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