Mini muffin

Fuck off

God fucking dammit dude you never outright said she deserved it but you HEAVILY implied it when talking about what zeze apparently said abt her and about how you wouldn't apologize. Anyway don't worry your dumbass little head about nix jumping through your crusty iPad screen and biting you just go apologize if your sorry. I'm not interested in conflict and I'm done arguing. Sorry if iv been rude but I really am not in the fucking mood for this shit


  Fuck off

Mini muffin

Never meant it and don't fucking say that to me I don't have an iPad I'm not trying to argue and I'm not dumb I know she wount bite me and shit I will apologize but don't fucking get mad just because I have an opinion
If I apologize tho are we good??

3 days ago   Reply (1)

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