Mini muffin

🧡°~ꫝꪗρꪀꪮ_ꪻꪮꪮꪻꫝ~°[Member of ...

Yeah their great, our tortoise Julien lives watermelon and broccoli, he eats flowers and hates bugs so you should look into a tortoise just know their expensive and require a lot of research. Please please please do a lot of research. My reason for saying it's so important is with beardies people who don't do enough research hurt their beardies alor


  🧡°~ꫝꪗρꪀꪮ_ꪻꪮꪮꪻꫝ~°[Member of ...

Mini muffin

Yeah, I might get a reptile later in life, but glad you are also interested in it! Then again, the mis-knowledge reminds me of how people might treat their birds, or they do it on purpose... Trimming a bird's wings.. That's not for parrots or other birds.. that's for chickens.

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)

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