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Hi!! I’m nirvana 1994! Here’s a little information about me

Star sign/ zodiac: Aries
Favorite colors: Red, Black, Purple, Blue
I’m very protective of my friends im not very social at first but once you get to know me im SUPER talkative! No wonder my ex bff hated me so much! I talked to much oh well that’s something that makes me, me and I’m happy about it! I do not support self negativity my page should be a place to feel safe and positive if you need some advice im here!


14 フォロー中     13 フォロワー


Day one of 6 before i dye my hair

Also whats yalls favorite color

2 years ago   返信

Day one of 6 before i dye my hair

Idk if i said in my going purple post but that was semi permant so it wasnt forever but this is going to be permant

2 years ago   返信


Bro my parents werent happy and now they act like im the straigt little girl they raised COMPLETLY forgetting im bisexual. My dad was more chill with it than my mom was tho. But the only reason they found out was because they went through my messegas with my ex bestfriend who was REALLY toxic and keeps trying to blame it on me. But still its scary but im glad i found someone who understands what ive been through

2 years ago   返信

How fucked up is this

Why do you care when you havent even talked to him in months???? AND i thought you said you were blocking me but apparently you dont want to

2 years ago   返信


Im fucking done with all of you and i never wanted to talk about this in the first place so i gladly will quit. Why do you think i never responded after you called me fucking toxic. ALSO quit hitting on daniel i know you do. Hes told me and it pisses me off because hes my best friend and if you really did care about him you wouldnt do that shit. You did it to me and you tried to tell me if i was a good person LILY that is not ok to try and tell someone if there a good person. And the reason i did that killling my slef and shit was because i thought i had no other ways. I wasnt in a good place but whats even worse is daniel hardly talks to you because of the things you say to him. Im asking politly for you to stop before he tells you himself. I worry about him ALOT i know you wont see this but i dont care youve contacted me 3 times the only reason ive been responding is because im telling you to leave me alone but you dont give a flying fuck. Do you

2 years ago   返信

I need advice

Ship it through usps or something

2 years ago   返信


im ending the live thing now bye

2 years ago   返信

Talking to the moon

In hopes your on the other side

2 years ago   返信

Alright yall here's a super long description

and this side of the story is fucking fake im not even going to read it. DONT ever talk to me again manipulative fucker

2 years ago   返信

Alright yall here's a super long description

fuck off. You RUINED my life do you know how many times i wanted to kill myself because of you. Because of you i lost bekah as a friend and i went through SO much effort for her and it blew up in my face and your mental. Im not the same dumbass you knew asking daniel "hows chloe" Thats none of your busniess and asking kaidan about using his tablet to talk shit to me. Yea he told me and i hope your suffering knowing that i hate you and i always will. and i acctuly loved you and it turns out your a fake mother fucker. So im happy that i can no longer see you

2 years ago   返信 (1)

Happy Easter

OMG!!!!!!!!!!hey im so so sorry i never get back to you!!!! im so stressed out with a lot of things latly that i just complety forget about AM. For startes if you saw my last post about my Ex bff its like everywhere i go theres somthing to remind me of her and ive been stressed with school and stuff. sorry

2 years ago   返信


Its not that simple. Im supposed to be helping my bestfriend and i cant because i live 2 hours away now and we can only text but i still dont know what to do. My bff is the only person i really feel is there for me. Im thankfull i had them but now i dont even know if they trust me any more.... is it that hard to want a friend

3 years ago   返信


my lifes a mess and i "LOVE" it

3 years ago   返信

Does anyone care for me?

Hey its been awhile. Ive been really busy latly with moving and alot of other things. I also just made a new accout the name is N.C.C for life if you wanna come follow me.

I also care about you!!!!!!!!

3 years ago   返信


3 years ago   返信

Comming out?

I support you FULL ON THEY/THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 years ago   返信