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Totally not Keyy👀

nobody asked + too long + ratio + spoken like a true karen + touch grass + talk to a psy + fuck off + just quit

2 years ago   Reply (2)


blond abdel
talking about leo , literally leo with red hair IS abdel
its like seing flash mqueen but green , and saying " no this is not mqueen "

2 years ago   Reply (4)


so if i follow your logic

1 do you have something against sparkles and forms on oc's pupils ? because that always existed
2 you dont own pink hair
3 Cat ears as well
4 you dont own outfits if someone wanna have a blue dress let them be happy with that blue dress
just lets stop being childish , change him a bit,

2 years ago   Reply (1)


the heck are you on ? my oc were never ever blond, but always redhead you're the one who dont know what is he talking about

2 years ago   Reply (1)


big eyelashes
fluffy hair
round face
both are teens
( and lets forgot about the skin color )

2 years ago   Reply (2)


AND IF I BASE MYSELF with your logic you cant prove that the other copied you too , who said they knew you ?
listen i dont feel okay with leo , change him please , thats all what i am asking.

2 years ago   Reply (3)


sadly i deleted almot all of my old post ( i found them cringe )

2 years ago   Reply (1)


and also killua,
and chrono from chrono trigger , but i dont care they're no even that similar , i just took them as INSPIRATION , if you got inspired by my oc then admit it but i am not confortable to see a blond Abdel wering casual outfits anymore

2 years ago   Reply (1)


do you do it on prupose ? i said he were " SIMPLIFIED " wich means i started to draw Abdel as a cartoony character since i discovered Bendy if you ask GuyMakesComics , i were first a dragon ball fan and i started to draw my oc as a dragon ball character with dragon ball style ( it doesnt matter it still manga) that proves that my oc were born before yours since i've joined in January 2019, it didnt really bothered me until now , because i just had enouth of seeing a blond Abdel.

2 years ago   Reply (2)


thanks for the reminder , i'll sidenote it

2 years ago   Reply


i bait my arm if you ask someone on discord wich oc is the most similar to Leo , they'll say Abdel.
they're similar asf, no matter what happens i am not changing my oc desing , but you should , why ? does Abdel' similitude to Leo borther you like it do bother me ? no.

2 years ago   Reply (1)


literally my oc were like that since ever , i've joined Animemaker since 2.5 years now my oc always had a headband and a wearing. it was just simplified ( cartoonified if you prefer ). and lemme just say that we started animemaker almost at the same time remeber that one fan art you did of your oc and mine back 2 years ago ? that proves it and how was my oc when you draw it ? exactly like in that post i've done 2 months ago

2 years ago   Reply (2)


her post is based on that just to say :)

2 years ago   Reply (1)


5 traits is already too much imagine doing a whole post for ocs that have less then 5 trait similar with your oc , for me 5 is too much and actually , congrats , you just concluded what i've said , what an archivement ,
i dont care if you're not a mind reader , or if your oc existed for years spare me with your bullshit , and act more i've said that Leo and Abdel are too much similar ( for me ) and that it bother ( me ) so could you PLEASE change Leo's desing because it BOTHER me and YOU should RESPECT that PLEASE and THANKS

2 years ago   Reply (2)


LISTEN , i am not in the mood of wasting my time with you , all what you think is that i am an idiot and that "i have no idea " how copying works , i probably knows even more things then you and i am maybe even more cultivated then you , so , all what i am asking is that you change your oc desing because , it BOTHER me , and legit have the rigth to complaint about it , like you , who are complaning about the other copying you. remember it ,
you're not better then me in any way , who are you to doubt and juge about if i know how copying works ?
and if you think that i am gonna let this slide , then you're the one delusional here
and if you think that i am not rigth to complaint about the similaries between Abdel and Leo.
then let me tell you something.
you dont own pink hair and cat ears ma'am
if you dont change your oc desing because it bother me , i dont see why the others should change them oc desing because it bother you

2 years ago   Reply (4)