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Honestly I got bored so I made this channel for practice of being a animator for shows or something
Anyway enjoy my practice
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holowen challenge winners
Well congrats on everyone who tried
Alright well that’s easy
So the first character made?
holowen chalenge
I was going to participate but I don’t have the slightest clue what is a OC
Information on Orange lines
Why do the lines appear with a yellow outline on my screen? Can anyone tell me if you guys see this too or is my phone is buggy
Okay.. so then there is a chance of a cave to be filled with these then
ENTRY 3: The Glimmering Goo
So a slimy flea that turns others into slimy fleas?
Okay thanks
ENTRY 5: Will o’ wisp
Question: are they siblings? Or just made separately, cause they are living entity’s and entity’s (probably) have siblings so..
Like listen, Zeus’s hammer is Electric right? So technically Speaking, Zeus would be This Entity If he was combined with his hammer
ENTRY 8: Electron
For some reason, I feel like this is Zeus without his body and combined with his hammer
Got it
ENTRY 11: M450N
So how exactly does it go in the void? Is it like The game cult of the lamb where it just jumps, flys for a second or less, then just gets sucked into the ground. Or does it just disappear into thin air (or in this case, the void)