luka 🍉


watching a documentary with my class and the unabombers words match too close to my own thoughts. i don't know if they were actual letters from the unabomber himself but the fact that his view of the world is almost exactly like mines scare me. i don't understand other people; it's difficult to really know what they think and I have felt that I watched everyone from a glass window. i crave for things other people do but I am too far seperated from everyone else, i can't stand other people enough to engage in "normal" friendships and i shut down when things can not go my way


  luka 🍉

luka 🍉

It's scary to realize this has been my mindset for YEARS until I let myself use Vyn as a coping mechanism, its been a year or two that I have finally made functional and healthy relationships with my peers.

1 months ago   Reply (1)

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