ImmortalOrgans [THE SEQUEL]

(⚠vent) damn it

Jesus Christ I wrote a whole paragraph of words and anime maker fucking deleted it UGH. Anyway, I get the lover thing, my ex made me feel like that but that was because of what they were doing. I was doing a lot for them, and they didn’t return anything but empty “I love you”‘s instead of showing it through actions and tone. Look at your memories of your lover, anything you can muster up. Look at it through an outside perspective, pay attention to the tones and actions and body language, the truth lies there. Also, with the anger issues, god I used to have them too.



ImmortalOrgans [THE SEQUEL]

This is a quick note; My girlfriend is very lovely and has done nothing wrong, i would know if she did

4 hours ago   Reply
  ImmortalOrgans [THE SEQUEL]

ImmortalOrgans [THE SEQUEL]

I’ve found zoning out helps, just not thinking. You should let it out though. It’s who you are, you have to break through. You’ll hurt people, it’s apart of life, but you can heal people. You can be mad, it’s natural, encouraged even. You have to let it out and feel, don’t be afraid to tell the truth and be honest. If they don’t like it, then they’re not your people. That’s okay. Most people will understand. It feels great to blow up, and you can’t shove it back after you do. It’s easier said than done, and it holds uncertainties, yes. That’s life. But you’ll make it through, because you know why?
I believe in you.
So many people believe in you, and are proud of you.
That’s a guarantee that you’ll make it, dude ❤️
Listen, you may not take this advice to heart and that’s okay, I can just be here for you man, even if I’m across the world behind an illuminated rectangle

4 hours ago   Reply (1)

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