🍷Zilo🎭(The furry NSFW artis...

Okay what am I going to do cuz I really don't want anyone confusing Crystal for my sona

Ok heew me out. The clips would be absolutely adorable. Matbe even a little bow on the errs or even tail? The earrings in my own opinion could be on maybe one err 3 gages erings (ping or baby blue would be nice) and in the other err you have two of those but one that hangs down and it can be a little heart! Idk just some julery would look cute...



🍷Zilo🎭(The furry NSFW artis...

Alright, I'm gonna try that and I'll post it to see how it looks. But, there's just one thing I didn't understand, what do you mean by "gages"?

1 months ago   Reply (1)

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