
is it wrong i still cry over this?

First of all you need help and a lot of it
You cant keep crushing people under the weight of your own problems. Instead of venting to an actual person vent to urself.
You also need to get rid of your obsessive behaviour. You get way too attached to people to the point where it becomes unhealthy and bizarre.
To be completely honest i think you need time alone. Your not giving yourself time to recover from the break up you have just endured. And yes, it should hurt. But let that hurt be a lesson to yourself and your conscience to try and be the best person you pssibly can be




thanks, Thats good advice
I do vent to myself, and I take time to myself a ton. my emotions are overflown right now. I'm taking everything as lessons, even if it hurts, but im still having trouble, since i dont work like neurotypical people. I do my best, and thats what focusing on right now, thanks for the worda of advice
im genuinely so relieved that you actually gave me this, i thank you a thousand times over im genuinely trying to get better.

1 days ago   Reply

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