Mini muffin


My cousin died from lung cancer at 4 years old it developed very suddenly. It can happen any age asshole. He doesn't have to elaborate he owes you nothing. You don't deserve an explanation. You don't get to pretend we're stupid for wishing peace on a child who passed from a horrible disease



Mini muffin

Asshole you mistaken me I am no asshole my power levels one million looking ass shut the fuck up

3 days ago   Reply (4)

Mini muffin

asshole? you're mistaken sir im just trying to be more aware of people just believing things randomly. when kids think this stuff is true, thats that; but theres a large audience of people feeling genuinely bad for this "deceased" boy. but, in a platform he seems so invested in, would he not have told his audience that he's literally terminally ill and aware of it. be real, please, i dont care about an explanation. im simply trying to be more aware of this situation; nothing more, 'asshole'.

3 days ago   Reply (2)

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